Partner With Us

Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with the mission of The Garden. There are several ways you can support us today, detailed in the sections below. If you would like to explore any of these options in greater detail, please email our Lead Pastor Caleb Saenz at for more information.

Prayer Support

  • We would be honored if you joined us in praying for the family, mission, and future of The Garden. You can pray for the Medical Center area we are serving, that God would till the soil ahead of our ministry work for His glory. Finally, you can pray with us that God would continue to provide for us in relationships and resources far above and beyond what we might expect, to see the light of Christ shine through our church into this San Antonio community.

  • Another way you can support The Garden community is by joining our Prayer Team. For those who feel passionately about the power of prayer and sense a call to lead us in interceding and contending for the needs of our community, this team offers a chance to develop in the understanding and practice of prayer, to engage with people at our gatherings who need prayer support, and to link the community of The Garden together in seeking the Spirit’s guidance for specific needs. If you are interested in joining our Prayer Team, email Associate Pastor Jordan Sleed at today.

Financial Contributions

  • We want you to know that when you support The Garden financially, you are participating in the mission God is already at work accomplishing in the Medical Center community. Giving to The Garden is giving through The Garden. You can support the mission of our church today, whether as a monthly offering or as a one-time donation. Safe and simple contributions can be submitted online through our page on the Church Center platform at this link.

  • For those wanting to financially support us through physical means, checks can be addressed to “The Garden Church.” Both checks and cash donations can be given in person at one of our worship gatherings. Additionally, checks can be mailed to the address below:

    The Garden Church
    7143 Spring Point
    San Antonio, Texas 78249

Mission Partnership

  • We believe churches are made to function as covenant families, where discipleship grows from a place of mutual partnership and edification. Our Garden family grows as people confess Jesus as Lord, receive the sacrament of baptism, and are confirmed in a moment of celebration with our congregation. If you would like to learn more about our process, which includes meeting with a team member and attending an info class, you can fill out our guest form online today at this link.

  • The Garden is a Baptist church that practices the sacrament as a demonstration of both personal confession and congregational affirmation. More than a dynamic declaration made by a person of faith, we believe the greatest joy in this sacrament is found in what God says about the person being baptized. This celebratory practice is given to us a seal of His covenant with His people. And just as the Spirit moved to empower Jesus at his baptism for the life ahead, we believe that baptism is a means for the Spirit to empower believers for their journey of discipleship through the family bonds it establishes. If you would like more information on receiving baptism in celebration with us, you can fill out our online guest card today at this link.

Serve with The Garden

Interested in serving at The Garden? We have ministry teams that are always looking to add passionate and faithful people in the following areas:

  • Arts & Communications (Design, Photography, Social Media)

  • Growth Groups (Community Groups, Bible Studies)

  • Host & Hospitality (Greeters, Service Guides, Guest Follow-Up)

  • Kids Ministry (Teachers, Shepherds, Facilitators)

  • Mission & Outreach (Fellowship Events, Service Opportunities)

  • Operations (Set-Up, Tear-Down, Parking)

  • Prayer (Service Intercessors, Needs Follow-Up)

  • Worship & Production (Instrumentalists, Vocalists, Audio & Tech Operators)

If you’re interested in joining one of our ministry teams, simply fill out the brief application at this link, and we’ll follow up with you soon!

Become a Church Partner

In addition to ongoing spiritual and financial support, churches might prayerfully consider offering the unique kind of support that a partnering congregation can provide. We are open and eager to learn from our church friends, whether through providing ministry training, opportunities for collaboration, guest teachers and speakers, or other creative means of encouragement to our ministers and leaders. If your church is interested in partnering with The Garden, contact Lead Pastor Caleb Saenz at to schedule an interest meeting.

Questions? Ideas?

For more information on supporting The Garden, or to offer unique opportunities to partner with our church toward our Gospel mission and the flourishing of our community, please message us at the link below today.